Quest Programme

Every child has a spark of genius. Our goal is to nurture that potential to help our students learn and grow.

We do this through our Personalized Learning pillar. Whether connecting a student with an exceptional mentor, designing tailor-made enrichment, crafting a special study abroad opportunity, or providing a novel program or tutorial, Dwight goes out of its way to recognize and foster each student’s gifts and talents.


It is a wise man who once said that there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals.

Felix Frankfurter,
US Supreme Court Justice
(1939 - 1962)

We are adamant in our belief that every child has a ‘Spark of Genius’ and we strive to help our students learn and grow to their maximum potential. One way we do this is through the Quest Program, an integral part of our personalized learning pillar. We try our very best to recognize and foster each of our students’ gifts and talents by connecting them with exceptional mentors, designing tailor-made enrichment, providing tutorials and much more.

At Dwight School Dubai, we recognize that students have learning differences and through individual evaluations we try to understand and address these differences. We work collaboratively with students and their families to recognize and remove barriers, which impact their achievement, participation and learning


Quest supports students who may have an imbalance in their academic performance – either struggling in a subject or needing accelerated programming – as well as those who need support in developing their study and organization skills. It is our goal that our students will have access to the additional support they may need within the school day program, thereby reducing the burden on parents to seek external tutoring support.

The Dwight Quest program is comprised of four branches:


Skill Development

In one-on-one sessions, Quest provides tailormade skill development and learning strategy tutorials.


Quest provides expert teachers for students who would benefit from enrichment in an academic discipline.


Quest provides English language instruction and support for our non-native speakers.

Exceptional Talent

Quest facilities flexible learning structures to allow students to pursue exceptional talents.

For more individualized information, please do not hesitate to contact the school’s admissions team.